
We have held many trainings over the years, teaching many midwives and students. The past few years we have held a number of conferences and trained many nursing leaders, Senior Principal Nursing Officers (SPNOs), Assistant District Health Officers (ADHOs), and some leaders from the Ministry of Health. They were very fun and engaged learners!
For a number of years, we have tried to visit and teach at the lower centers. These are health care facilities that are further away from the city and the referral hospitals. We were warmly welcomed at Busiu Health Center Level 4 outside of Mbale and taught many staff there. We hope to continue this relationship and supply them with some of the items that they need.
Video: Moses speaking about his stillborn baby, Mwezi.

Specific Teaching Sessions done during training and for hospital programs
- Postpartum hemorrhage: prevention and management
- Preeclampsia and eclampsia: management for high-risk mothers
- Close the loop: communicating as a team in an emergency
- Nursing leadership, nursing management, and the courageous follower
- Global standards of stillbirth care and a plan for Implementation
- Stigma and cultural practices that may inhibit grieving