Equipping Uganda Midwives to Change Lives

Candle lighting ceremony

Reducing Maternal and Neonatal Deaths, While Providing Support in Stillbirth

Curving street in Uganda
The Need

Uganda’s Mothers and Babies are Dying

In 2022, Uganda’s Mother Mortality Rate was 10x greater than the US.

Mothers usually die from postpartum hemorrhage as well as preeclampsia/eclampsia and infection. The factors are many, but one is a lack of knowledge by the care providers in dealing with high risk perinatal care.

We are also burdened by the lack of perinatal bereavement care that families receive after a stillbirth.

Our Mission
The Work

Saving Lives With Medical Training, and Healing Hearts With Care After Loss

Since 2017, Birth With Dignity has been teaming up with Mbale Regional Referral Hospital and more recently St. Francis Nsambya Hospital in Uganda.

We’re working hand-in-hand to improve high-risk maternal and neonatal care, and to enhance perinatal bereavement support.

Our dedicated midwife teams, bolstered by our local leaders, are doing some fantastic work and we couldn’t be prouder. Beyond our hospital partnerships, we’re making waves with training sessions and educational events, sharing our knowledge with midwives and health leaders. Our goal is simple but vital: equip healthcare providers in Uganda to handle every birth with knowledge, excellent nursing care, compassion, and, of course, dignity.


Connecting and Educating is Making a Difference!

Administrative Leader Senior Principal Nursing Officer Magdalene Kokor

Before we used to have a lot of deaths, we lacked knowledge… I am really working hand in hand with the midwives to make sure that Birth with Dignity proceeds very well, and it spreads throughout the whole country.”

Senior Principal Nursing Officer,
Mbale Regional Referral Hospital.

I am so blessed that I held my baby because my family did not want me to know that the baby had died and they wanted to hide it, thank you nurse for helping me be with my baby.”

Ugandan mother of a stillborn baby

ugandan fabric
Mbale hospital waiting area
Outside the postnatal ward at Mbale Hospital
Birth With Dignity


testimony from lira 2
May 6, 2024

Story from Lira: Despite her mother-in-law’s hesitation, a mother joyfully saw her stillborn baby. The father asked “Can we give him a name?” The family then gathered to discuss the baby’s name and expressed gratitude for the care received.

Preeclampsia Poster
May 6, 2024

Our preeclampsia poster.  Research has shown that graphics work best for memory retention.

Mom and stillbirth baby receiving care Lira.
May 6, 2024

Mom with her stillbirth baby in Lira after receiving bereavement care.

Teddy teaching students
July 7, 2023

Team member Teddy teaching students

Gladys bathing a stillborn baby
July 7, 2023

Birth With Dignity team leader Gladys bathing a stillborn baby before presenting the baby to his mother.

Latest Updates

Blog Posts

First meeting with Ministry of Health
May 6, 2024

Partnership and Growth

Many things transpired during our January time in Uganda. We want to share a few of the things that were accomplished and that we find significant for our work there. We honestly feel a bit overwhelmed with all that is ahead of us, all the possibilities, but as always, will trust that God is leading…

blog gratitude abounds image4 37
August 11, 2023

Gratefulness Abounds

We are home and look back on this year’s trip with gratefulness and awe of the changes we are now seeing in Uganda. Here is only a partial list of the amazing events that happened on this trip. Thank you for all the prayers on our behalf.  They were answered in abundance, and we will…

Sue bereavement care
April 18, 2022

Momentum Slowly Building

Friends, family, and supporters of Birth with Dignity, To say prayers on our behalf while we were in Uganda were answered would be an understatement. During this trip here, we have given two nursing conferences to a total of 45 country leaders and also did additional teaching at OB/GYN rounds, antenatal clinics, other hospitals, and…

First meeting with Ministry of Health
May 6, 2024

Partnership and Growth

Many things transpired during our January time in Uganda. We want to share a few of the things that were accomplished and that we find significant for our work there. We honestly feel a bit overwhelmed with all that is ahead of us, all the possibilities, but as always, will trust that God is leading…

blog gratitude abounds image4 37
August 11, 2023

Gratefulness Abounds

We are home and look back on this year’s trip with gratefulness and awe of the changes we are now seeing in Uganda. Here is only a partial list of the amazing events that happened on this trip. Thank you for all the prayers on our behalf.  They were answered in abundance, and we will…

Sue bereavement care
April 18, 2022

Momentum Slowly Building

Friends, family, and supporters of Birth with Dignity, To say prayers on our behalf while we were in Uganda were answered would be an understatement. During this trip here, we have given two nursing conferences to a total of 45 country leaders and also did additional teaching at OB/GYN rounds, antenatal clinics, other hospitals, and…